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PCR Instruments

Rapid, reproducible PCR results

To satisfy the increasing demands of molecular detection, PCR instruments need to deliver fast-cycling protocols and accurate, sensitive results. Plus, the PCR cycler and software must be easy to use. A gradient function for assay optimization, throughput and low noise are other essential factors you need to consider when choosing a PCR machine. Our block cyclers, such as the QIAquant 96 and 384 for real-time PCR and the QIAamplifier 96 for end-point PCR, deliver rapid, reproducible results in broad a range of PCR applications.

Digital PCR is particularly useful for detecting low-abundance targets, targets in complex backgrounds, allelic variants (SNPs), and for monitoring subtle changes in target levels that cannot be identified with real-time PCR. The QIAcuity Nanoplate Digital PCR System in scalable configurations provides highly sensitive and absolute nucleic acid quantification in such challenging applications.
