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miScript PreAMP Pathway Primer Mix

For use with the miScript PreAMP PCR Kit


miScript PreAMP Pathway Primer Mix ist für molekularbiologische Anwendungen vorgesehen. Dieses Produkt ist nicht für die Diagnose, Prävention oder Behandlung einer Krankheit bestimmt.
miScript PreAMP Pathway HC Primer Mix

Cat. No. / ID:  331242

60 µl primer mix for 12 preamplification reactions; for use with a miScript miRNA HC PCR Array
miScript PreAMP Pathway Primer Mix

Cat. No. / ID:  331241

60 µl primer mix for 12 preamplification reactions; for use with a Pathway-Focused miScript miRNA PCR Array
miScript PreAMP miRNome Primer Mix

Cat. No. / ID:  331251

60 µl/tube primer mix for 12 preamplification reactions; for use with a miRNome miScript miRNA PCR Array


  • Breakthrough technology for miRNA expression analysis from limited RNA samples
  • Unbiased, reproducible results
  • Robust procedure
  • Fully integrated into the miScript PCR System workflow

Product Details

miScript PreAMP Pathway Primer Mixes are available for all miScript miRNA PCR Arrays and are used in combination with the miScript PreAMP PCR Kit.

Important note: This product line will be discontinued on May 1, 2021 and will be replaced by the miRCURY LNA miRNA PCR system. For more information about this transition, please visit our dedicated knowledge hub or contact us.


Brochures & Guides (1)
Simultaneously profile mRNA, miRNA and lncRNA using a simple, complete workflow
Safety Data Sheets (4)
Kit Handbooks (4)
For preamplification of cDNA from samples containing low RNA amounts prior to real-time PCR analysis of microRNA
Pathway-Focused miRNA PCR Array あるいはmiRNome miScript miRNA PCR Array を用いたリアルタイムPCR(SYBR Green ベース)によるmicroRNA のプロファイリング
For real-time profiling of miRNAs using the Fluidigm BioMark System