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Investigator IDplex Plus Kit

Para la amplificación multiplexada de 13 locus básicos del CODIS más D2S1338, D19S433 y amelogenina, también directamente de hisopos y papeles


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Investigator IDplex Plus Kit (100)

Cat. No. / ID:  381625

Mezcla de cebador y Fast Reaction Mix que incluyen HotStarTaq Plus DNA Polymerase, ADN de control, escalera alélica IDplex Plus, estándar de tamaño de ADN 550 (BTO) y agua libre de nucleasas
2394,00 €
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Investigator IDplex Plus
Matrix Standard
Este producto contiene sustancias reguladas por el REACH (CE 1907/2006 Anexo XIV). El uso de este producto en la UE está permitido previa exención (artículo 56 [3]). Para más información, consulte la notificación del REACH y la hoja de datos de seguridad de este producto, que encontrará en la sección “Recursos” de esta página.
Los Investigator IDplex Kits están concebidos para aplicaciones de biología molecular en análisis forenses, de identificación humana y en pruebas de paternidad. Estos productos no están concebidos para el diagnóstico, la prevención ni el tratamiento de enfermedades. Estos productos no están disponibles en todos los países.

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  • Amplificación simultánea de 16 locus, incluido el núcleo CODIS
  • Muy adecuado para casos forenses o muestras de referencia
  • Protocolos sencillos con Fast Reaction Mix lista para usar
  • Diseño optimizado del cebador para reducir el solapamiento de marcadores

Product Details

Investigator IDplex Plus Kit es un ensayo STR multiplexado para la identificación humana que comprende los 13 locus básicos del CODIS (Combined DNA Index System), D2S1338, D19S433 y amelogenina.

Los kits utilizan nuestra tecnología de ciclado rápido, que permite la amplificación en unos 90 minutos. Altamente sensible y con resultados rápidos y fiables a partir de trazas de ADN, el Investigator IDplex Plus Kit es adecuado para todas las aplicaciones forenses y pruebas de paternidad. El analizador genético se calibra con BT5 Matrix.

Investigator IDplex Kit cumple los requisitos de la norma ISO 18385.


El Investigator IDplex Kit utiliza tecnología de ciclado rápido para proporcionar resultados fiables en ensayos de STR en unos 90 minutos a partir de ADN extraído.

La Fast Reaction Mix se basa en la tecnología de PCR multiplexada de QIAGEN de eficacia probada que se ha optimizado para aumentar la tolerancia a los inhibidores. El rendimiento del ensayo probado en presencia de concentraciones crecientes de 6 tipos de inhibidores (ácido húmico, hematina, ácido tánico, carmín de índigo, calcio y colágeno) muestra una alta sensibilidad y una resistencia superior a los inhibidores. Esto permite obtener resultados fiables y de alta calidad a partir de muestras de casos.

El Investigator IDplex Kit se ha validado y evaluado mediante el termociclador GeneAmp 9700 y el Applied Biosystems 3500 Genetic Analyzer.

La cantidad recomendada de ADN en condiciones normales para utilizar con el Investigator IDplex Plus Kit es de 0,5 ng. Las validaciones internas mostraron resultados estables y equilibrados con entre 0,2 y 2 ng de ADN y resultados fiables con cantidades inferiores a 0,1 ng de ADN.


El Investigator IDplex Kit utiliza tecnología PCR de ciclado rápido de QIAGEN para la amplificación rápida y simultánea de los 13 locus básicos del CODIS (Combined DNA Index System), D2S1338, D19S433 y amelogenina. Los cebadores cuidadosamente diseñados reducen el solapamiento de los alelos de los locus, minimizando así la probabilidad de interpretaciones erróneas.


Los 15 marcadores STR autosómicos polimórficos (D2S1338, D3S1358, D5S818, D7S820, D8S1179, D13S317, D16S539, D18S51, D19S433, D21S11, CSF1PO, FGA, TH01, TPOX y vWA) y la amelogenina específica del sexo se amplifican simultáneamente en una única PCR y se etiquetan con uno de los colorantes enumerados en la tabla «Colorantes y marcadores correspondientes del Investigator IDplex Plus Kit».


Colorantes y marcadores correspondientes del Investigator IDplex Plus Kit
Colorante Marcador
6-FAM Amelogenina TH01 D3S1358 vWA D21S11
BTG TPOX D7S820 D19S433 D5S818 D2S1338
BTY D16S539 CSF1PO D13S317 FGA  
BTR D18S51 D8S1179      

Los locus amplificados se someten a electroforesis capilar. Los resultados pueden analizarse con programas informáticos específicos, como GeneMapper ID-X. Consulte la tabla «Especificaciones técnicas» para más información.


Los Investigator IDplex Plus Kits sirven para la generación rápida y segura de perfiles de ADN a partir de sangre, frotis bucales y tinciones forenses o muestras de referencia y son muy adecuados para:

  • Bases de datos criminales, referencias forenses o muestras de casos
  • Pruebas de paternidad
  • Estudios de genética poblacional
  • Otras aplicaciones de pruebas de identificación humana


Especificaciones técnicas
Características Investigator IDplex Plus Kit
Volumen de entrada de ADN Hasta 15 µl
Volumen por reacción 25 µl
Matriz BT5
Colorantes fluorescentes 6-FAM, BTG, BTY, BTO
Analizadores genéticos ABI PRISM 3100/3100 Avant, Applied
Biosystems 3130/3130xl o Applied
Biosystems 3500 Genetic Analyzers
Software para análisis Applied Biosystems GeneMapper ID o
GeneMapper ID-X


Brochures & Guides (2)
Advanced sample collection, automation and STR solutions for kinship testing
Kit Handbooks (1)
Quick-Start Protocols (1)
Template Files (3)
For further information on which version of the v11 template files is suitable for your needs, please refer to the Template File Info Note.
For further information on which version of the v11 template files is suitable for your needs, please refer to the Template File Info Note.
Technical Information (3)

The most comprehensive and versatile coverage of current international STR standards for capillary electrophoresis analysis

Quality initiatives for human identity testing and forensics 
Technical Information and Important Notes (1)
Safety Data Sheets (1)
Certificates of Analysis (1)


Is the Fast Reaction Mix of the Investigator IDplex Plus Kit ready to use?
Yes. The Fast Reaction Mix of the Investigator IDplex Plus Kit contains HotStarTaq Plus enzyme, Mg2+, and dNTPs in a pre-optimized concentration. Only Investigator IDplex Plus Primer Mix and template DNA need to be added. Nuclease-free Water should be added to complete the reaction volume.
FAQ ID -3008
What is the safest procedure to add FTA punches to the PCR reactions of the Investigator IDplex GO! Kit?

We recommend first adding master mix to the PCR plate and then adding the punch to avoid punches getting lost or mixed up due to electrostatic effects. Furthermore, we strongly recommend spinning down the PCR plate after setup to ensure all punches get fully submerged.

FAQ ID -3096
Can the Investigator IDplex GO! PCR protocol be run on different PCR endpoint cyclers?
Yes. The protocol is generic and has successfully been tested on various commonly used instruments.
FAQ ID -3089
Can the PCR protocol of the Investigator IDplex Plus Kit be run on different PCR endpoint cyclers?
Yes. The protocol of the Investigator IDplex Plus Kit is generic and has been successfully tested on various commonly used instruments.
FAQ ID -3009
What is the maximum DNA input volume that can be used in the Investigator IDplex Plus Kit?
15 µl input volume can be used with the Investigator IDplex Plus Kit.
FAQ ID -3014
Can additional positive controls be used for the Investigator IDplex GO! Kit?

Amplification of Control DNA 9948 is appropriate as a PCR performance check. However, if you have access to reference samples at constant quality (for example, swabs or FTA donated by lab personnel), these samples may be used as additional in process controls.

FAQ ID -3094
Which filter set should be used with Investigator IDplex Plus Kit?
If you are using an ABI PRISM 3100-Avant/3100 or 3130/3130xl Genetic Analyzer, please use Any5Dye, if available. If you are using the Applied Biosystems 3500/3500xL Genetic Analyzer, please use filter set AnyDye. Otherwise, filter set G5 should be used. If you are using an ABI PRISM 310 Genetic Analyzer, filter set G5 should be used.
FAQ ID -3017
Does the Investigator IDplex Plus assay contain an internal control?
No. Unlike some other QIAGEN STR products (e.g., the Investigator Argus Y-12 QS Kit) there is no QS quality sensor included in the Investigator IDplex Plus Kit.
FAQ ID -3011
Is there a need to compensate for additional liquid volume added with the positive control DNA, or a buccal swab lysate in the Investigator IDplex GO! Kit?
No. Up to 2 µl can be added on top of a 25 µl reaction.
FAQ ID -3088
Is it possible to increase the amount of sample to obtain higher signals using the Investigator IDplex GO! Kit?
We do not recommend using more than one punch of 1.2 mm diameter for blood or buccal cells on FTA, or 2 µl of a crude buccal swab lysate. To adapt protocols to the type and quality of samples used in your laboratory, and to the CE instrumentation in use, adjust PCR cycle numbers and CE injection conditions.
FAQ ID -3090
Do you recommend using indicator cards for buccal cells on FTA with Investigator IDplex GO! Kit?
Yes. Use of indicator cards helps to ensure sample is taken from an appropriate area of the FTA card. This may significantly improve success rates compared to procedures using non-indicator cards.


FAQ ID -3095
What is the optimal sample DNA concentration for the Investigator IDplex Plus Kit?
The optimum sample DNA input range of the Investigator IDplex Plus Kit is between 200–500 pg. However, reliable results can be obtained with less than 100 pg. For higher amounts of input DNA, consider adjusting the PCR cycle number.
FAQ ID -3015
Can the allelic ladder of the Investigator IDplex Plus Kit be used for analysis of Investigator IDplex GO! Kit?

No. Amplification products of marker FGA have a slightly different size between IDplex Plus and IDplex GO! kits due to a change in the fluorescent dye linker used. Use of the IDplex Plus ladder will frequently cause off ladder calls for FGA alleles.


FAQ ID -3093
Is the Fast Reaction Mix ready to use in the Investigator IDplex GO?

Yes. The Fast Reaction Mix contains Taq enzyme, Mg2+, and dNTPs in a pre-optimized concentration. Only IDplex GO! Primer Mix and sample needs to be added.

FAQ ID -3087
Do I need to evaluate optimal PCR cycle numbers for the Investigator IDplex GO! Kit with my samples?

Yes. Sample materials used for direct amplification vary with regard to quality and quantity of DNA present, depending on sampling materials, procedures, and storage conditions. In order to obtain the highest possible success rates in routine use, it is essential to run a representative batch of samples for evaluation of optimal conditions. Furthermore, we recommend revisiting this aspect after a certain period of routine use to ensure the evaluated conditions are optimal and re-adjust if necessary.

FAQ ID -3091
Have primer sequences of the Investigator IDplex Plus Kit been changed compared to the former Investigator IDplex assay?
No, the primer site locations of the markers in the Investigator IDplex Plus Kit have not been changed. Only minor changes have been introduced for some markers, e.g., to improve A addition to the PCR products.
FAQ ID -3012
What is the correct matrix to use with Investigator IDplex Plus Kit?
Matrix BT5 should be used with Investigator IDplex Plus Kit.
FAQ ID -3016
What fluorescent labels are 6-FAM, BTG, BTY, BTR, and BTO in Matrix Standard BT5 single or multi.cap?

The BT5 matrix standard is designed for use with our 5-dye Investigator STR Assays. We do not disclose the containing dyes.

FAQ ID - 3364
Is it possible to extend the number of PCR cycles to increase sensitivity of the Investigator IDplex Plus Kit?
Yes. For example, cycle numbers can be increased to 32 or 34 in order to obtain higher signals for very diluted samples. However, please note that this promotes the amplification of nonspecific products or amplification from spurious background DNA.
FAQ ID -3010
What does the Investigator IDplex Plus Kit contain?
The Investigator IDplex Plus Kit contains Primer mix, Fast Reaction Mix, Control DNA allelic ladder IDplex Plus, DNA size standard 550 (BTO), and nuclease-free water.
FAQ ID -3013
Where can I find the template files for the Investigator IDplex Plus Kit?
The template files for the Investigator IDplex Plus Kit for various softwares and analyzers can be downloaded from the Resource tab on the product webpage.
FAQ ID -3019
Have primer sequences in the Investigator IDplex GO! Kit been changed compared to the Investigator IDplex Plus assay?

No, primer site locations of markers have not been changed. Two additional SNP primers have been added to allow balanced amplification of vWA and D16S539 alleles carrying known primer binding site mutations. The mutations covered were observed in concordance studies in samples of African origin at an elevated level. The labelled FGA forward primer has been slightly changed with regard to the linker of the fluorescent dye. The change does not affect PCR amplification, but causes a slight size shift during capillary electrophoresis. The allelic ladder therefore has been changed accordingly.

FAQ ID -3092
Which settings for the filter set Any5Dye must be adjusted before running the spectral calibration for Investigator IDplex Plus Kit?

For Any5Dye filter set with the Investigator IDplex Plus Kit, please use:

  • Condition Bound: Lower 1.0 – Upper 20
  • Sensitivity: 0.1
  • Quality Value: 0.80
FAQ ID -3018