artus Enterovirus LC RT-PCR Kit RUO

For quantitative detection of enterovirus RNA using real-time PCR


For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostics procedures. No claim or representation is intended to provide information for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of a disease.


  • High reliability using the internal control
  • Sensitive detection of as few as 3.2 copies/µl
  • Accurate quantitation using the 4 standards supplied

Product Details

The artus Enterovirus LC RT-PCR Kit is a ready-to-use molecular detection kit for real-time PCR. The kit provides all necessary reagents optimized for reliable enterovirus RNA detection and quantitation.


To ensure sensitivity, the artus Enterovirus LC RT-PCR Kit has been optimized to detect low numbers of enterovirus RNA. The analytical sensitivity of the kit is 3.2 copies/µl in the PCR.

Performance of artus Enterovirus LC RT-PCR Kit
Kitartus Enterovirus LC RT-PCR Kit
Sample type Cerebral spinal fluid (CSF)
Analytical sensitivity 3.2 copies/µl in the PCR


The artus Enterovirus LC RT-PCR Kit is based on the amplification and simultaneous detection of a specific region of the enterovirus genome using real-time PCR. The kit provides high levels of specificity and sensitivity.

Each artus Enterovirus LC RT-PCR Kit provides 4 enterovirus quantitation standards (see figure " Reliable quantitation of enterovirus load". Use of the standards enables accurate quantitation of viral load. In addition, the kits contain a second heterologous amplification system to identify possible PCR inhibition. This is detected as an internal control (IC) in a different fluorescence channel from the analytical PCR. The detection limit of the analytical enterovirus RT-PCR is not reduced.

Specifications of artus Enterovirus LC RT-PCR Kit
Kitartus Enterovirus LC RT-PCR Kit
Sample type Cerebral spinal fluid (CSF)
Amplicon 114 bp region of the enterovirus genome
See figures


The artus Enterovirus LC RT-PCR Kit provides all necessary reagents optimized for reliable enterovirus RNA detection and quantitation. Simply add template RNA to the ready-to-use PCR master mix, and start the reaction on the appropriate real-time cycler using the optimized cycling program described in the kit handbook.

For RNA purification, we recommend using the QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit.


The artus Enterovirus LC RT-PCR Kit enables rapid and sensitive detection of enterovirus RNA from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) with accurate quantification. The kit is available for use on the Lightcycler 1.1/1.2/1.5 Instruments.

Supporting data and figures


Recommended sample prepQIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit
What detectedEnterovirus RNA
Thermal cyclerLightCycler
Sample typeCerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

