QIAseq Targeted RNA Extended Panels
Digital RNAseq for gene expression profiling
QIAseq Targeted RNA Extended Panels
Digital RNAseq for gene expression profiling
QIAseq Targeted RNA Extended Panels have been developed as a Sample to Insight solution for quantitative gene expression profiling using RNAseq. These panels integrate molecular barcode technology and a two-stage PCR-based library preparation to deliver unbiased and accurate quantification for your digital RNA sequencing results.
ハイスループットプラスミドDNA精製のDirectPrep 96 MiniPrep法は、画期的な溶解ケミストリーを使用し、ライセートの清澄化ステップを排除しました。プラスミドDNA精製はプレート1枚のみを用いた簡単な結合-洗浄-溶出操作で行えるので、既存のほとんどの方法に比べて実施しやすいプロトコールです。DirectPrep 96操作はQIAvac Multiwell で使用するようにデザインされています。
QIAseq Targeted RNA Panels use a digital sequencing method, whereby a unique 12-base random molecular barcode incorporated into the gene-specific primers (GSP1) is used in the first extension step (after mRNA is converted to cDNA). Thus, every extension event yields a unique combination of molecular barcode and target sequence. At the end of sequencing, the relative amount of each mRNA target is determined by the number of unique molecular barcode-target combinations that were sequenced, thereby eliminating PCR duplicates and amplification bias, resulting in more accurate, unbiased gene expression analysis.