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Q-Rex – one software that does it all

The Q-Rex operating and analysis software provides unique features to facilitate fast analysis of your experiments on the QIAquant and Rotor-Gene Q real-time PCR instruments.

It enables experiment setup and data acquisition and performs basic analyses. In addition, you can expand Q-Rex functionality with plug-ins for specific capabilities such as absolute quantification and genotype analysis.

The software is suitable for use by operators new to real-time PCR while maintaining the capacity for highly complex data analysis required for advanced research.

The core software of Q-Rex enables experiment setup and data acquisition, while the plug-ins expand the capacity of Q-Rex with specific analytical capabilities. It allows you to easily create the exact software configuration to meet your specific analysis needs without installing functions you will never use. Let’s take a closer look at the plug-ins and what they can do:
Q-Rex Basic Plug-in
  • Suitable for instrument users getting started with general qPCR and RT-PCR
  • Drives the hardware, sets up qPCR, melt analyses and multiplexing experiments
  • Collects raw data and performs basic Cq analysis

Q-Rex Gene Expression Advanced Plug-in
  • Analyzes changes in gene expression relative to a reference sample
  • Allows multiple reference gene normalization based on algorithms recommended in industry-leading literature 
  • Defines a stable reference gene with the help of plots 
  • Allows normalization of values in relation to a defined calibrator sample
  • Defines the real qPCR efficiency for accurate results 

Q-Rex Absolute Quantification Plug-in
  • Calculates the absolute concentration of targets based on a standard curve
  • Applications include:
    • Quantification of NGS libraries 
    • Quantification for exosome enrichment 
    • Quantification for assessing genome structure like telomeres

Q-Rex End Point Analysis Plug-in
  • Can be used for probe-based SNP genotyping 
  • Automates genotype calling based on advanced algorithms for easy and convenient genotype analysis
  • Delivers both raw and normalized data analysis

Q-Rex Melt Curve Analysis Plug-in
  • Performs advanced analysis that can be applied for genotyping or multiplex pathogen detection of >15 targets
  • New data processing algorithms for easy and improved melt peak detection
  • High multiplex performance comes from use of TaqMelt™ technology and powerful algorithms that improve analysis and enable combination potential

Q-Rex Target Detection Plug-in
  • Versatile; detects the presence or absence of targets based on user-defined criteria 
  • Delivers results as an intuitive stoplight visualization 
  • For the Rotor-Gene Q 
    • Includes pre-defined assay rules for several QIAGEN Assays
    • Accommodates multiplexing with FRET probes
  • For the QIAquant
    • Users can design lab-developed assays with adapted rules

Q-Rex Absolute Quantification Plug-in HID (only for RGQ)
  • Calculates the absolute concentration of targets in experimental samples using the amplification curves of samples of known concentration to establish a standard
  • Has an automatic threshold function based on the defined standards that scans through all possible threshold levels until the best fit is found for the standard curve

Q-Rex High Resolution Melt Plug-in (only for RGQ)
  • Simplifies high-resolution melting analysis to detect small sequence differences 
  • Performs automated genotype calling based on standards
  • Calculates confidence levels for all results
  • Results are reported on difference plots for meaningful and clear visualization

Interested in high performance PCR instruments?
Discover block-based cyclers to raise your PCR and real-time PCR workflows to the next level.