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QIAsymphony mericon Bacteria Kit



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QIAsymphony mericon Bacteria Kit (360)

Cat. No. / ID:  931156

For 360 preparations: 2 Reagent Cartridges, Piercing Lid, TopElute Fluid (60 ml), Reuse Seal Set
QIAsymphony mericon Bacteria Kit 旨在用于食品、动物饲料和医药产品测试中的分子生物学应用。这些产品不能用于疾病诊断、预防和治疗。

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  • 适合从所有相关的食物原材料和成品中分离细菌DNA
  • 同一方案,从革兰阴性菌和革兰阳性菌中分离DNA
  • 无抑制剂,病原体DNA可直接用于下游应用
  • 处理时间减少,生产率提高
  • 使用条形码,易于追踪样本和试剂


QIAsymphony mericon Bacteria Kit用于从食物原材料和成品中自动纯化细菌DNA,是病原体筛选流程的一部分。该产品专门设计用于QIAsymphony SP核酸提取纯化分析仪,经优化配合mericon Pathogen Detection real-time PCR分析使用。QIAsymphony mericon Bacteria Kit使用同一方案从革兰阴性菌和革兰阳性菌中分离DNA,且处理过程安全,包括抑制剂去除步骤和条形码阅读全面追踪试剂和样本。每个试剂盒含有的试剂和配件能够进行360个反应。预装满的卡夹和随后的样本定量都减少了设置时间和手动操作时间。


QIAsymphony mericon Bacteria Kit专门设计用于QIAsymphony SP核酸提取纯化分析仪,经优化配合mericon Pathogen Detection real-time PCR分析使用。QIAsymphony SP核酸提取纯化分析仪一次最多处理96个样本。样本分成每24个一批,每批需要53分钟。



该试剂盒专门设计用于QIAsymphony SP核酸提取纯化分析仪,一个样本制备仪器,QIAsymphony RGQ体系的一部分。采用自动化方案从食品原材料、宠物食品和成品中纯化细菌DNA。通过过滤浓缩的细菌也可作为起始材料。该方案基于经验证的磁珠技术,能够从革兰阴性菌和革兰阳性菌中纯化DNA。

QIAsymphony SP核酸提取纯化分析仪的DNA提取技术融合了基于硅的核酸纯化的速度和效率和磁珠的操作便利性。该方案有一个简单的热裂解步骤,包括抑制剂去除步骤。然后,使用基于硅的磁珠和优化的缓冲液进行高效、方便的结合、洗涤和洗脱。纯化的DNA可直接用于下游应用,如real-time PCR病原体检测。

在QIAsymphony RGQ上进行全自动化流程是可行的,因为含有纯化的病原体DNA的洗脱液可自动转移到分析模块(QIAsymphony AS)。然后,这些分析板转移到Rotor-Gene Q实时荧光定量PCR分析仪进行real-time PCR和数据分析。


无需预处理细菌富集培养基或过滤浓缩细菌。可直接从培养基中提取样本,然后将试剂和耗材一起上样至QIAsymphony SP核酸提取纯化分析仪。在该仪器上可进行纯化病原体DNA的所有步骤,一次运行可处理96个样本。整个流程包括4步:裂解、结合、洗涤和洗脱。快速设置的工作站和仪器确保能够持续上样,最大限度的减少了手动操作时间,提高了生产率。


QIAsymphony mericon Bacteria Kit用于从食物原材料或成品中自动纯化病原体DNA,作为基于real-time PCR病原体检测流程的一部分。


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What samples can the QIAsymphony mericon Bacteria Kit be used for?
The QIAsymphony mericon Bacteria Kit can be used to isolate DNA from primary enrichment cultures of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria and from bacteria concentrated by filtration.
FAQ ID -2958
Is RNA co-purified using the QIAsymphony mericon Bacteria Kit?
In principle, RNA co-purification is possible using the QIAsymphony mericon Bacteria Kit. However, at the beginning of the protocol, the reaction solution is heated to 90°C for 5 min to lyse the bacteria. If it is not completely destroyed, any RNA should be strongly depleted.
FAQ ID -2960
What happens if the starting volume is too low when using QIAsymphony mericon Bacteria Kit?
If the volume of the starting material is below 400 µl, the QIAsymphony mericon Bacteria Kit cannot process the sample, and the corresponding well of the elution plate will remain empty.
FAQ ID -2962
Do you need to pre-treat food samples before DNA isolation using the QIAsymphony mericon Bacteria Kit on the QIAsymphony SP?
No pretreatment is necessary using the QIAsymphony mericon Bacteria Kit on the QIAsymphony SP?
FAQ ID -2957
Is food DNA co-purified using the QIAsymphony mericon Bacteria Kit?
Processed foods always contain high concentrations of DNA that has been liberated during industrial processing. In principle, this is co-purified during the QIAsymphony mericon Bacteria Kit protocol. However, in a sufficiently grown enrichment culture, the amount of free food DNA is negligible compared to the concentration of enriched bacteria.
FAQ ID -2959
How many reactions can be performed with one QIAsymphony mericon Bacteria Kit?
Each QIAsymphony mericon Bacteria Kit contains reagents for 360 reactions.
FAQ ID -2955
What happens if the starting volume is too high when using QIAsymphony mericon Bacteria Kit? Can spillage occur when the sample is initially transferred?
The QIAsymphony performs a liquid level detection before the sample is transferred. The pipet enters the tube to a depth of approximately 2 mm and measures the overall volume. Therefore, sample spillage when using QIAsymphony mericon Bacteria Kit is highly unlikely although not impossible.
FAQ ID -2963
What is the starting volume for the QIAsymphony mericon Bacteria Kit?
The starting volume for DNA isolation with the QIAsymphony mericon Bacteria Kit is 400 µl of the bacterial enrichment culture.
FAQ ID -2956
Does the QIAsymphony mericon Bacteria Kit contain an extraction control?
No, there is no extraction control included in the QIAsymphony mericon Bacteria Kit.
FAQ ID -2961