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RNeasy 96 QIAcube HT Kit



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RNeasy 96 QIAcube HT Kit (5)

Cat. No. / ID:  74171

For 480 preps: RNeasy 96 plates, RNase-free water, buffers
RNeasy 96 QIAcube HT Kit
QIAcube HT Plasticware
RNeasy 96 QIAcube HT Kit 旨在用于分子生物学应用。该产品不能用于疾病诊断、预防和治疗。

✓ 全天候自动处理在线订单

✓ 博学专业的产品和技术支持

✓ 快速可靠的(再)订购


  • 简便、可靠的自动处理,节省时间和费用
  • 灵活的流程可以分离RNA、或包括miRNA在内的总RNA
  • 适用于多种起始材料,提供针对不同大小RNA的实验方案
  • 高品质的纯RNA可即用于多种下游应用
  • 从少量起始样本中可获得稳定产量的RNA


RNeasy 96 QIAcube HT Kit能够在QIAcube HT仪器上,从动物或人类细胞和组织样本中,便利的自动纯化RNA,或包含miRNA在内的总RNA。该试剂盒采用成熟的RNeasy硅胶模技术和便利的96孔板规格,能够去除抑制剂和污染物,纯化的高品质RNA即用于下游分析。


在QIAcube HT上使用RNeasy 96 QIAcube HT Kit纯化RNA十分便利、可靠,在96孔板上无明显的孔间差异(参见 Linear RNA recovery and Reproducible 96-well RNA purification)。

这一经济、易用的产品纯化的RNA品质与其他备受信赖的QIAGEN纯化试剂盒相同(参见 Automated purification of RNA from tissues)。使用QIAxcel Advanced对纯化产物RNA进行分析,其RIS(RNA完整度值)高,在实验中的表现与其他QIAGEN纯化方案所获得的产物相当(参见 High-quality RNA from tissues)。

RNeasy 96 QIAcube HT Kit从少量起始材料中纯化的RNA产量稳定(参见下表)。

RNeasy 96 QIAcube HT Kit纯化的总RNA的常规产量
细胞系 来源 RNA产量
(µg /105 个细胞)*
HeLa 人子宫颈癌细胞 1.6
LMH 鸡肝癌细胞 1.3
COS-7 猴肾,SV-40 transformed 3.1
Huh7 人肝癌细胞 2.0
Jurkat 人T细胞白血病 1.4
K-562 人慢性粒细胞白血病 1.9
* 不同物种、发展阶段和生长条件会导致不同产量。如果RNeasy实验流程富集的是 >200个核苷酸的RNA,总RNA产物中不包含5S rRNA、tRNA或其他低分子量RNA(占细胞总RNA的15–20%)。


RNeasy 96 QIAcube HT Kit能够在QIAcube HT仪器上,从5 x 105个动物或人类细胞或40 mg以内的组织中自动纯化RNA或包含miRNA在内的总RNA。依据不同起始材料和所需产物大小,提供6种实验方案。细胞样本可以直接使用RNeasy 96 QIAcube HT Kit和专用的实验方案进行纯化。 组织样本(<40 mg)和需要纯化小RNA的样本需要先在QIAzol Lysis Reagent中裂解。纯化产物为高品质RNA,在众多下游应用中表现出色。

RNeasy 96 QIAcube HT Kit结合了硅胶模的选择性结合特性和96孔板的高通量优点,可在QIAcube HT仪器上全自动同时处理24–96个样本。 

规格 描述
样本数量 24–96个样本(每批8个)
样本起始体积 最多5 x 105个细胞,需在140 μl Buffer RLT中匀浆
洗脱体积 110 μl
时间长度 大约93或114*分钟内处理96个样本
* 包括可选的DNase消化步骤。

规格 描述
样本数量 24–96个样本(每批8个)
样本起始体积 从40 mg冰冻的活20 mg稳定的组织(在750 μl QIAzol Lysis Reagent中匀浆)中获得的350 μl水相
洗脱体积 110 μl
时间长度 大约73或93*分钟内处理96个样本
* 包括可选的DNase消化步骤。

规格 描述
样本数量 24–96个样本(每批8个)
样本起始体积 从40 mg冰冻的活20 mg稳定的组织(在750 μl QIAzol Lysis Reagent中匀浆)中获得的350 μl水相
洗脱体积 110 μl
时间长度 大约78分钟内处理96个样本


在高度易变性条件下,用异硫氰酸胍使RNase失活,手动裂解细胞,确保纯化得到完整的RNA。开始操作后,在裂解液中加入乙醇,达到合适的结合条件,然后将样本加入RNeasy 96孔板。总RNA和污染物被高效洗去。之后用少量的不含RNase的水洗脱获得高品质RNA,可即用于多种下游应用。

按照从动物或人类细胞中纯化总RNA的自动实验方案进行操作,可纯化获得长于200个核苷酸的RNA。此方法可富集mRNA,因为多数RNA小于200个核苷酸(例如5.8S rRNA、5S rRNA和tRNA,其总共占总RNA的15–20%)已被选择性去除。纯化的RNA的长度与CsCl离心纯化法(笑RNA不会沉淀下来)得到的RNA长度相当。

如需从组织中纯化总RNA,或从细胞和组织中纯化包含小RNA在内的总RNA,我们推荐使用QIAzol Lysis Reagent裂解。详细实验方案请参见试剂盒说明书。


RNeasy 96 QIAcube HT Kit可高通量、高效的纯化RNA,可用于药物研究和科研等多领域。纯化的RNA即用于多种下游应用,包括:
  • 差异显示 
  • cDNA合成
  • Northern印迹、点印迹和狭缝印迹
  • Pri引物延伸
  • Poly A+ RNA选择
  • RNase/S1核糖核酸酶保护



实验方案软件 (12)
Installation file (.msi) for installing the Q Protocol run file (.qsp) in the QIAcube HT software. For use with QIAcube HT Operating Software 4.17; not for use with QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software.
Installation file (.msi) for installing the Q Protocol run file (.qsp) in the QIAcube HT software. For use with QIAcube HT Operating Software 4.17; not for use with QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software.
Q Protocol notes for purification of total RNA from animal or human cells, including DNase digestion, on the QIAcube HT using the RNeasy 96 QIAcube HT Kit; use with the RNeasy 96 QIAcube HT total RNA Cell with DNase V1.qsp run file. For use with QIAcube HT Operating Software 4.17; not for use with QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software.
Installation file (.msi) for installing the Q Protocol run file (.qsp) in the QIAcube HT software, For use with QIAcube HT Operating Software 4.17; not for use with QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software.
Q Protocol notes for purification of total RNA from animal or human cells on the QIAcube HT using the RNeasy 96 QIAcube HT Kit; use with the RNeasy 96 QIAcube HT total RNA Cell V1.qsp run file. For use with QIAcube HT Operating Software 4.17; not for use with QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software.
Installation file (.msi) for installing the Q Protocol run file (.qsp) in the QIAcube HT software. For use with QIAcube HT Operating Software 4.17; not for use with QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software.
Q Protocol notes for automatic transfer of upper aqueous phase to an empty S-Block on the QIAcube HT using the RNeasy 96 QIAcube HT Kit; use with the RNeasy 96 QIAcube HT pre-treatment V1.qsp run file. For use with QIAcube HT Operating Software 4.17; not for use with QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software.
Q Protocol notes for purification of total RNA from tissue on the QIAcube HT using the RNeasy 96 QIAcube HT Kit; use with the RNeasy 96 QIAcube HT total RNA Tissue V1.qsp run file. For use with QIAcube HT Operating Software 4.17; not for use with QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software.
Installation file (.msi) for installing the Q Protocol run file (.qsp) in the QIAcube HT software. For use with QIAcube HT Operating Software 4.17; not for use with QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software.
Installation file (.msi) for installing the Q Protocol run file (.qsp) in the QIAcube HT software. For use with QIAcube HT Operating Software 4.17; not for use with QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software.
Q Protocol notes for purification of total RNA or total RNA, including miRNA, from animal tissue and cells on the QIAcube HT using the RNeasy 96 QIAcube HT Kit; use with the miRNeasy 96 QIAcube HT V1.qsp run file. For use with QIAcube HT Operating Software 4.17; not for use with QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software.
Q Protocol notes for purification of total RNA from tissue, including DNase digestion, on the QIAcube HT using the RNeasy 96 QIAcube HT Kit; use with the RNeasy 96 QIAcube HT total RNA Tissue with DNase V1.qsp run file. For use with QIAcube HT Operating Software 4.17; not for use with QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software.
安全数据表 (1)
Download Safety Data Sheets for QIAGEN product components.
快速启动实验方案 (4)
For use with QIAcube HT Operating Software 4.17; not for use with QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software
For use with QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software; not compatible with QIAcube HT Operating Software 4.17
For use with the RNeasy 96 QIAcube HT Kit and QIAcube HT Operating Software 4.17; not for use with QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software
For use with QIAcube HT Operating Software 4.17; not for use with QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software
试剂盒操作手册 (2)
Handbook for purification of total RNA, or total RNA, including miRNA, from animal tissue and cells on the QIAcube HT using the RNeasy 96 QIAcube HT Kit. For use with QIAcube HT Operating Software 4.17; not compatible with QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software.
For use with QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software; not compatible with QIAcube HT Operating Software 4.17
用户使用手册 (3)
For use with the QIAcube HT Prep Manager Software
For QIAcube HT and QIAxtractor
For QIAcube HT and QIAxtractor
Safety Data Sheets (1)
Certificates of Analysis (1)


Can I run the QIAcube HT with the QIAxtractor software or vice versa?

No, the two software applications are not interchangeable.


Additionally, the QIAcube HT and QIAxtractor software cannot be installed on the same computer. The QIAcube HT software versions is v4.17 or higher, while the QIAxtractor software version is v4.16 or lower.

FAQ ID -9102
For what batch size is the QIAcube HT Plasticware designed?
The QIAcube HT Plasticware content is calculated for use with the extraction protocol working in batches of 96 samples. If running smaller batches and/ or the transfer protocol, additional consumables are required. 
FAQ ID - 4010
Can I upgrade a Corbett CAS-1820 to a QIAcube HT?

No, this upgrade is not possible.

FAQ ID -9104
What file is required for reporting a QIAcube HT or QIAxtractor issue?

The Support Packages are important when reporting an issue to QIAGEN Technical Services. Upon completion of each run, the software automatically saves a support package.


To retrieve a support package, click Help in the QIAcube HT or QIAxtractor software and select Choose support package. In the new windows, select the support package that corresponds to the issue and send it to QIAGEN Technical Services.


FAQ ID -9100
I am getting vacuum errors on my QIAcube HT. What should I do?

1. Check the vacuum tubing to make sure it is not pinched or obstructed in some way. Sometimes the tubing can become pinched against the bench top when the vacuum station is placed too far from the instrument.

Waste bottle tubing

2. Make sure that the channeling adapter is properly placed. Check if the carriage is moving the plate completely from the waste chamber position to the elution chamber position. If the calibration seems incorrect, the instrument may need to be re-taught at this position.


3. When using less than a full plate, make sure all the unused columns are covered with an adhesive seal.

Also, make sure each column of 8 samples is full. When processing a number of samples that results in < 8 samples per column, use water as a substitute in the empty positions until the column is filled. This ensures even vacuum across all unsealed well positions.

4. Make sure correct plates are used for the selected protocol.

5. When the vacuum is on, please listen for any hissing noise from the tubing that is coming down to the waste container. This could indicate leaks in the tubing.

If the issue persists, please contact QIAGEN Technical Service.

FAQ ID -9106
What do I do if the QIAcube HT or QIAxtractor software runs in virtual mode while the instrument is connected to the computer?

Make sure the QIAcube HT or QIAxtractor software uses the same COM port number as assigned to the QIAcube HT or QIAxtractor instrument on the computer. The COM port setting can be checked by clicking Options\Robot Setup\Select COM port in the QIAcube HT or QIAxtractor software.


Ensure that the cable between the instrument and the computer is securely inserted. Power on the instrument first, and then launch the QIAxtractor/QIAcube HT software. 


The instrument has both RS-232 (serial) and USB interfaces for computer connection. Try an RS-232 cable if the communication cannot be established between the instrument and computer with a USB cable.


If the issue persists, please contact QIAGEN Technical Services.


FAQ ID -9101