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Certal Residual DNA Detection Kit

适用于灵敏的探针式残留 CHO 宿主细胞 DNA(包括内部对照品)检测


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Certal CHO Detection Kit (100)

Cat. No. / ID:  211822

适用于 100 次 25 µl 反应:1.25 ml Certal Residual DNA PCR Master Mix、Certal Internal Control DNA 和 Assay、CHO DNA Positive control 和 CHO-Assay、100 µl Uracil-N-Glycosylase、210 µl High-ROX Dye Solution、210 µl ROX Dye Solution、Nucleic Acid Dilution Buffer、TE Buffer
Certal Residual DNA Detection Kit 适用于医药产品测试中的分子生物学应用。这些产品不能用于疾病诊断、预防和治疗。见商标

✓ 全天候自动处理在线订单

✓ 博学专业的产品和技术支持

✓ 快速可靠的(再)订购


  • 定量限低,可重现性出色
  • 高线性范围
  • 可靠而又精确的内部对照品
  • 经过优化的方案适用于多种实时循环仪
  • 包括内部对照品和阳性对照品的全套试剂盒


在使用生物药品时,必须对最终治疗材料进行评估,以确保其不含污染物质,如宿主细胞中的残留 DNA。Certal Residual DNA Detection Kit 设计用于采用双标记水解(也称 TaqMan®)探针,灵敏、快速地对宿主细胞基因组 DNA 残留进行 Real-time PCR 定量。Certal CHO Detection Kit 包含用于双工 Real-time PCR 检测 CHO 残留宿主细胞 DNA 的试剂以及 Certal Internal Control。该试剂盒还包括 Certal Residual DNA Positive Control(用于在缺少 CHO 宿主细胞 DNA 信号的情况下验证 PCR 检测的功能)和 2 种不同浓度的 ROX 参比荧光染料,从而可在几乎任何实时仪器上使用。


Certal Residual DNA Detection Kit 可灵敏可靠地检测和定量残留基因组 DNA (gDNA),这对生产安全可靠的生物药品至关重要(请参阅图“ 高度灵敏而又可靠的检测”)。Certal CHO Detection Kit 可检测中国仓鼠卵巢 (Chinese Hamster Ovary, CHO) 细胞中的残留 gDNA,检测限低,线性范围广,从而确保能够可靠低检测低浓度的残留 gDNA(请参阅图“ 检测限低”)。Certal Residual DNA Detection Kit 与多种循环仪兼容,可提供灵敏可靠的数据(请参阅图“ 在多种循环仪上进行灵敏而又可靠的检测”和“ 在 Rotor-Gene Q 上对 CHO 基因组 DNA 进行灵敏而又可靠的检测”)。

为了实现高过程安全性,Certal Residual DNA Detection Kit 包括了 QIAGEN Internal Control,它是专为实现正确解读阴性结果和不干扰靶标检测而设计的。当与基因组 DNA 共扩增时,能可靠地检测到 QIAGEN Internal Control(请参阅图“ 可靠的 QIAGEN Internal Control 检测”)。



为确保最终治疗材料中不含有来自用于生产生物药品的宿主细胞系的污染物质,Certal Residual DNA Detection Kit 提供了一种预先设计的检测,可对 CHO 宿主细胞 DNA 进行特异性检测。每个 Certal Residual DNA Assay 都由优化过的引物对和一个 FAM 标记水解探针组成,用于可靠地检测残留的 CHO 基因组 DNA。人类背景 DNA 和 Certal Internal Control DNA 不会干扰 Certal Residual DNA Assay。

预混合的 Certal Residual DNA Assay 含有正向和反向引物和 MAX 标记水解探针,用于检测 Certal Internal Control DNA。它经过专门优化,可防止干扰 Certal Residual DNA Assay。Certal Residual DNA Positive Control 可通过测试扩增反应本身的功能正确解读阴性结果。

Certal ResDNA PCR Buffer 经过优化,可提供灵敏可靠的定量双工 Real-time PCR 结果。预混液中还含有 dUTP,可在开始 PCR 之前用尿嘧啶-N-糖基化酶 (Uracil-N-Glycosylase, UNG) 进行预处理,确保任何具有污染性的 PCR 产物都不会影响后续的 PCR 反应。

Certal Residual DNA Detection Kit 组分
组分 特点 优势
Certal Residual DNA Assay 和对照品 DNA
50x Certal Residual DNA Assay 经过预先设计、优化和验证的引物-探针集(FAM 标记) 可靠地检测残留 CHO 宿主细胞 DNA
Certal Residual DNA Positive Control 将被 Certal Residual DNA Assay 扩增的阳性对照品 DNA 验证在样本中未检测到残留宿主细胞 DNA 的情况下 Certal Residual DNA Assay 是否工作正常
50x Certal Internal Control Assay 经过预先设计、优化和验证的引物-探针集(MAX 标记),用于检测 Certal Internal Control DNA 仅特异性检测 Certal Internal Control DNA。经过优化,可防止干扰 Certal Residual DNA Assay
Certal Internal Control DNA 将被 Certal Internal Control Assay 扩增的内部对照品 DNA 排除 PCR 抑制剂的存在,在纯化步骤中添加时也可用于控制纯化和扩增
Certal ResDNA PCR Master Mix
HotStarTaq DNA Polymerase   在 95°C 下 15 分钟活化 在室温下设置 qPCR 反应
Certal ResDNA PCR Buffer KCl 和 (NH4)2SO4 离子的平衡组合 特异性引物退火确保可靠的 PCR 结果
Synthetic Factor MP 可在同一试管中对多达 4 个基因进行可靠的多重分析
dNTP 混合物 包括 dUTP,可部分取代 dTTP,并可进行可选的 UNG 处理 用尿嘧啶-N-糖基化酶 (Uracil-N-Glycosylase, UNG) 预处理反应时,可有效消除 PCR 产物的携带污染
50x ROX Dye Solution 单独的参比荧光染料管,用于在 Applied Biosystems 7500 Real-Time PCR System 上对荧光信号进行归一化处理。可选:可用于 Agilent 的 Stratagene 仪器 可在需要 ROX 染料的循环仪上进行精确定量。不会干扰任何实时循环仪上的 PCR
50x High-ROX Dye Solution 单独的参比荧光染料管,用于在 Applied Biosystems 7900 和 StepOne Real-Time PCR System 上对荧光信号进行归一化处理
尿嘧啶-N-糖基化酶 (Uracil-N-Glycosylase, UNG) 包含纯净、不含核酸酶的重组酶的独立试管 有效消除 PCR 产物的携带污染
QuantiTect 核酸稀释缓冲液 用于稀释和存放核酸标准品的专有缓冲液制剂 在稀释和反应设置过程中稳定 RNA 和 DNA 标准品,并防止试管或移液器吸头等塑料表面的核酸流失


Certal Residual DNA Detection Kit 提供检测宿主细胞 DNA、Certal Internal Control 和 Certal Residual DNA Positive Control 的简单程序(请参阅图  Certal Residual DNA Detection Kit 程序)。只需将提供的预混液与 Certal Residual DNA Assay、Certal Internal Control Assay 和 Certal Internal Control DNA 混合,然后加入样本 DNA 或 Certal Residual DNA Positive Control。试剂盒手册中包含在各种循环仪上使用的经优化方案。ROX 使用 2 支不同浓度的试管提供,可在任何实时仪器上使用(请参阅表“选择正确的 ROX 浓度”)。

选择正确的 ROX 浓度
仪器 ROX Dye Solution
  非必需 ROX Dye Solution High-ROX Dye Solution
Rotor-Gene Q X    
Rotor-Gene 6000 和 Rotor-Gene 3000 X    
Applied Biosystems 7500、ABI ViiA7   X  
Applied Biosystems 7900HT,StepOne 和 StepOne Plus,ABI PRISM 7700、7000 和 7300     X
Mx3000P、Mx3005P、Mx4000 X 可选  
iCycler iQ System X    
LightCycler 480 X    


Certal Residual DNA Detection Kit 可使用序列特异性探针进行灵敏的实时 PCR,以检测宿主细胞 DNA(包括内部对照品)。这些试剂盒可用于多种实时循环仪,包括 QIAGEN、Applied Biosystems、Bio-Rad、Roche 和 Agilent 的循环仪。



快速启动实验方案 (1)
安全数据表 (1)
Download Safety Data Sheets for QIAGEN product components.
试剂盒操作手册 (1)
For sensitive real-time PCR detection of residual host cell DNA and an internal control using sequence-specific probes
Safety Data Sheets (1)
Certificates of Analysis (1)


Can the Certal CHO Positive Control DNA be used to create a qPCR standard for relative quantification?
For quantification, it is recommended that a gDNA standard from your production cell be prepared using, for example, the QIAamp DNA Mini Kit. The positive control provided with Certal Residual DNA Detection Kits is not suitable for use as a qPCR standard for relative quantification.
FAQ ID -2979
How many freeze-thaw cycles can the Internal Control supplied with Certal Residual DNA Detection Kits tolerate?

The Internal Control supplied with Certal Residual DNA Detection Kits can be freeze-thawed up to 6 times without a decrease in performance. However, great care should be taken to avoid inadvertently introducing RNases or DNases into the Internal Control template solutions. In general, in order to avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles, we recommend preparing aliquots of the Internal Control template.

Note:  The Internal Control supplied with Certal Residual DNA Detection Kits cannot be ordered separately

FAQ ID -2975
On which cyclers can Certal Residual Detection Kits be used?
Certal Residual Detection Kits can be used on virtually any real-time cycler. The master mix supplied with the Kits does not contain ROX. Instead, 2 different ROX concentrations are supplied in separate tubes. “High-ROX Dye Solution” is for use with all Applied Biosystems cyclers except the Applied Biosystems 7500 Real-Time PCR Systems and the ViiA7 System, and “ROX Dye Solution” is for use with the Applied Biosystems 7500 Real-Time PCR Systems, the ViiA7 System, and, optionally, instruments from Agilent. Recommendations are provided in the handbook (page 11).
FAQ ID -2973
What is the label of the probe that is used in the Internal Control Assay to detect the Internal Control supplied with Certal Residual DNA Detection Kits?
The probe is labeled with the MAX-NHS ester (MAX) reporter dye, which has a spectrum equivalent to HEX, JOE, or VIC dyes. IowaBlack is used as the quencher dye. IowaBlack is a non-fluorescent quencher (dark quencher).
FAQ ID -2976
If a cycler from Applied Biosystems is used in combination with the Certal Residual DNA Detection Kit, should dye calibration for MAX be performed?

No, calibration is required if the instrument is already calibrated for VIC (which is normally the case). Simply create a new detector, for example, “MAX/IowaBlack”, and assign VIC as the reporter dye and “none” as the quencher (Table 3, page 17 of the Certal Residual DNA Detection Kit handbook describes the procedure in the footnote). 

MAX spectrum is nearly identical to VIC and the requirement for calibration has been thoroughly tested. There is no risk of crosstalk from the VIC channel to the FAM channel. However, crosstalk may occur from the FAM channel to the VIC channel if the pathogen target is present in very high copy numbers. Although this may slightly change the signal for the Internal Control, if a positive signal is detected in the FAM channel, then the Internal Control signal is no longer required.

FAQ ID -2977
On what cyclers have Certal Residual DNA Detection Kits been validated?
Certal Residual DNA Detection Kits have been validated on the Rotor-Gene Q and the Applied Biosystems 7900HT Fast Real-Time System.
FAQ ID -2978
Is there a risk of crosstalk from the FAM channel to the VIC channel if the residual DNA target is present in very high copy numbers?
Usually the amount of gDNA in process samples is low, for example, in the ng range or even lower. Therefore, no crosstalk is expected.
FAQ ID -2980
What is the nature and target of the Internal Control supplied with Certal Residual DNA Detection Kits?

The Internal Control supplied with Certal Residual DNA Detection Kits is a non-linearized plasmid (naked nucleic acid).

The Internal Control supplied with Certal Residual DNA Detection Kits has an artificial sequence that is not present in biological sample material.

FAQ ID -2974