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TissueLyser II



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TissueLyser II

Cat. No. / ID:  85300

Bead mill, 100–120/220–240 V, 50/60 Hz; requires the TissueLyser Adapter Set 2 x 24 or TissueLyser Adapter Set 2 x 96 (available separately)
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TissueLyser II适用于分子生物学应用。该产品不适用于疾病的诊断、预防或治疗。

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✓ Knowledgeable and professional Product & Technical Support

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  • 破碎过程便利、安全
  • 适配器专为高通量破碎而优化
  • 提供多种配件
  • 确保难裂解组织获得高重复性结果
  • QIAGEN样本处理体系的重要组成部分

Product Details

通过不锈钢珠、碳化钨珠或玻璃珠在塑料样品管中的高速震动,TissueLyser II可同步破碎多个生物样本。借助适当的适配器,可同时处理48或192个样本。也可使用研磨罐处理大体积样本。同时提供各种研磨珠、研磨珠分配器、收集管及管盖。TissueLyser II包括适配器在内的所有配件与TissueLyser(已停产)兼容。


TissueLyser II尤其适合高通量的样本破碎,适用于人类、动物和植物组织、细菌和酵母。可纯化获得高品质的DNA、RNA、miRNA和蛋白质,甚至对于难裂解的组织也具有高度的可重复性(参见"Efficient disruption of animal tissues"、"Reproducible RNA purification from plant tissues"、" Reproducible DNA purification from animal tissue"、" Purification of intact protein from animal tissue"、" Reproducible RNA purification from Gram-positive bacteria"和" Reliable detection of miRNAs")。
See figures


基因分型、基因表达分析和蛋白质组学研究均要求对生物样本进行高效破碎,以确保获得高产的DNA、RNA和蛋白质。TissueLyser II体系通过研磨珠的高速震荡来实现对样本的有效破碎。TissueLyser II可快速、彻底的破碎样本,彻底释放生物分子,并可同时对样本进行匀,协助后续使用的QIAGEN试剂盒进行纯化(参见"QIAGEN purification kits compatible with QIAGEN disruption systems")。

QIAGEN提供从样本收集到DNA、RNA和蛋白质纯化的完整解决方案,TissueLyser II是其中关键的组成部分。TissueLyser II可作为QIAsymphony SP等QIAGEN自动化仪器高通量制备和分析样本的补充(参见"QIAGEN high-throughput automation")。这一即用型仪器可从1–96个样本中自动纯化DNA、RNA和蛋白质。TissueLyser II也适用于QIAGEN手动样本制备试剂盒(参见"QIAGEN purification kits compatible with QIAGEN disruption systems")。

进行RNA研究时,新鲜收集的组织可在RNAlater RNA Stabilization Reagent中稳定,可有效避免操作过程中RNA的降解。对于需要纯化DNA、 RNA和蛋白质的应用,可使用Allprotect Tissue Reagent,将新鲜收集的组织中的待分析物迅速稳定。

仪器 目的 通量
QIAsymphony SP核酸提取纯化分析仪 纯化DNA、RNA和蛋白质   每批1–96个样本
BioRobot Universal System 纯化DNA和RNA 96孔板
QIAxcel 对DNA片段和RNA进行电泳分析 每批多达96个样本
QIAgility 反应体系构建 每批多达384个样本
Rotor-Gene Q实时荧光定量PCR分析仪 real-time PCR和HRM分析  每批多达100个样本
PyroMark Q96 MD or ID 甲基化和突变分析 每批多达96个样本


纯化的被分析物 样本类型 QIAGEN试剂盒
RNA 容易裂解的组织  RNeasy Kits
RNeasy Plus Kits
RNeasy Protect Kits
RNA 富含纤维的组织 RNeasy Fibrous Tissue Kits
RNA 各种类型组织 RNeasy Lipid Tissue Kits
RNeasy Universal Tissue Kits
RNA 植物组织 RNeasy Plant Mini Kit
RNA 酵母 RNeasy Kits
RNA 细菌 RNeasy Protect Bacteria Kits
microRNA 各种类型组织 miRNeasy Kits
DNA 人类组织 QIAamp DNA Kits
DNA 动物组织 DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kits
蛋白质 组织 Qproteome Mammalian Protein Prep Kit
磷蛋白 组织 PhosphoProtein Purification Kit
糖蛋白 组织 Qproteome Glycoprotein Kits
DNA和RNA 组织 AllPrep DNA/RNA Kits
DNA、RNA和蛋白质 组织 AllPrep DNA/RNA/Protein Mini Kit


TissueLyser Adapter Sets使用微型收集管,可处理多达2 x 96个样本,或使用2 ml微型离心管,处理多达2 x 24个样本。如果在样本破碎过程中不使用裂解缓冲液,则需要将适配器置于–80°C环境中预冷。在破碎时样品管需保持密封,以避免交叉污染,这对于real-time RT-PCR或芯片分析等高敏感性的下游应用尤其重要。根据样本类型不同,破碎使用不锈钢珠、碳化钨珠或玻璃珠进行。TissueLyser Bead Dispensers用来方便的将单个珠子加入到离心管中,或同时将96个研磨珠加入到收集管中。TissueLyser II也可配合Grinding Jar Sets使用,破碎大体积样本。


TissueLyser II每批可处理多达192个样本,因此是遗传学、转录组学和蛋白质组学研究中获得生物信息的理想解决方案。TissueLyser II是新一代高通量测序的首选破碎仪器。TissueLyser II可与多种QIAGEN样本纯化试剂盒配套使用,样本纯化可以手动进行,也可以在QIAcube全自动核酸纯化仪、QIAsymphony SP核酸提取纯化分析仪、EZ1 Advanced、BioRobot或BioSprint工作站上自动进行。

Supporting data and figures


Disruption principleHigh-speed shaking of samples in 1.2 ml collection tubes or 2 ml microcentrifuge tubes with stainless steel or glass beads
Typical run time15 sec - 2 x 3 minutes at 15–30 Hz
Technical data100–120/220–240 V, 50/60Hz; variable speeds from 3 to 30 Hz (180–1800 oscillations/minute)
Kits compatible with instrumentAll kits for purifying RNA/DNA/Protein
Protocol/main application on this intrumentSample preparation/sample disruption
Throughput2 x 96 collection microtubes (1.2 ml) or 2 x 24 microcentrifuge tubes (2ml)
FeaturesConvenient and secure disruption process. Adapter sets optimized for high-throughput disruption. Wide range of accessories available (e.g.,grinding jar set to process large samples). Reproducible results with difficult-to-lyse tissues. Front-end solution for QIAGEN automation.
TechnologyBead Mill


Kit Handbooks (1)
For high-throughput disruption of biological samples
Instrument User Manuals (1)
Supplementary Protocols (8)
Supplementary protocol using the EZ1 Advanced DNA Investigator Large-Scale Bone Card or the EZ1 Advanced XL DNA Investigator Large-Scale Bone Card
Up to 1 x 109 bacteria are disrupted and homogenized by bead-milling in a guanidine-thiocyanate-containing lysis buffer. After addition of ethanol, the sample is loaded onto an RNeasy Mini spin column. Total RNA binds to the RNeasy silica-membrane, contaminants are efficiently washed away, and high-quality RNA is eluted in RNase-free water.


How can I improve DNA yields from very tough tissues using the DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit or the QIAamp DNA Mini Kit?

Efficient DNA isolation requires thorough sample disruption and digestion.

Although the QIAamp and DNeasy procedures requires no mechanical disruption of the tissue sample, the lysis time will be reduced if the sample is ground in liquid nitrogen or mechanically homogenized in advance. For mechanical homogenization, a rotor–stator homogenizer, such as the QIAGEN TissueRuptor, or a bead mill, such as the QIAGEN TissueLyser, can be used.

To improve digestion of tough tissue samples, Proteinase K incubation at 56°C can be performed overnight. DNA yields may be improved by increasing the amount of Proteinase K or by adding additional proteinase K after several hours of digestion.  

FAQ ID -374
Can I use Buffer ATL for disruption of my samples with TissueRuptor, TissueLyser II, or TissueLyser LT instruments?

Buffer ATL can produce foam when used in conjunction with the TissueRuptor. You can add 0.5% final volume of Reagent DX (cat. no. 19088) to prevent the formation of foam.

FAQ ID -9143
1. Can I get the spare parts to repair the TissueLyser II on my own? The bolt for the clamp of my TissueLyser II is stripped and does not screw tightly anymore.

All TissueLyser II repairs must be done by QIAGEN’s Regional Repair Center. Please contact QIAGEN Technical Service.

FAQ ID -9169
My TissueLyser II sometimes fails to maintain the set frequency. What should I do?

Frequency can be set from 3–30 Hz and is kept constant by a speed controller during operation. It may vary in a range of 0.2–0.4 Hz. If you see larger variations, please make sure not to overload the sample tubes with too much starting material.

If the issue persists, please contact QIAGEN Technical Service to have a repair by QIAGEN’s Regional Repair Center.

FAQ ID -9170
Sometimes I see leaks from the tubes after disruption in TissueLyser II. What could be causing this?

Check assembly of the TissueLyser II adapter. It is very important to assemble the TissueLyser adapter correctly. If done incorrectly, the caps of tubes will not remain tight during the disruption and can result in the leak.

Adapter assembly

FAQ ID -9171
4. I just got a new TissueLyser II and found it to be very noisy during operation. What can be the issue?

When a new TissueLyser II is shipped, it has a transport security device located on the underside of the TissueLyser II. This is comprised of 2 screws as shown below. Remove the 2 screws using a screwdriver. Do not discard the screws, as they will need to be reinstalled if the TissueLyser II needs to be transported in the future. 

Transport security device

FAQ ID -9172
Can I precool the TissueLyser 2 x 24 Adapter Set or the 2 x 96 Adapter Set using liquid nitrogen?

We do not recommend using the adapters of the TissueLyser II with liquid nitrogen. Instead, the adapters can be precooled at –80°C, either in the freezer or on dry ice.

FAQ ID -9173
How can I disrupt tough samples, such as bone and teeth, with your TissueLyser II?
We recommend using the stainless steel Grinding Jar Set (cat. no. 69985) for disruption of tough samples, such as bone and teeth. Best results were seen with:
1. Take no more than 1 g of bone
2. Add material to the Grinding Jar Set containing a grinding ball
3. Pour in liquid nitrogen
4. As soon as the liquid nitrogen evaporates, assemble the Grinding Jar Set into the TissueLyser
5. Operate for 1 min at 30 Hz
FAQ ID -9174
How to disrupt plant seeds?

We have not specifically tested this application. We suggest using a 7 mm stainless steel bead and disrupting the samples twice at 30 Hz for 2 min each.

Please be advised that these are suggestions only and have not been thoroughly tested by QIAGEN. It is the user’s responsibility to test and further optimize if necessary.

FAQ ID -9175
How can I verify the frequency of TissueLyser II?

We do not have instructions or recommendations for you to perform frequency verification on our TissueLyser II. However, our Regional Repair Center can offer this as a service. Please contact QIAGEN Technical Service to request service.

FAQ ID -9176
Do you have a protocol for disrupting animal tissues with TissueLyser for the purpose of extracting proteins?

We have not specifically tested this application. However, several customers have successfully used QIAGEN’s TissueLyser II for disruption of animal tissues to extract proteins. We suggest:

  1. Pre-cool one 5 mm stainless steel bead and the TissueLyser II adapter at 4°C.
  2. Chill the appropriate lysis buffer by incubating at 4°C prior to use
  3. Freeze tissue in dry ice and immediately add 1 cold bead plus 200–300 µL of chilled lysis buffer to the TissueLyser II adapter
  4. Disrupt twice, each time for 30 s at 20 Hz

Please be advised that these are suggestions only and have not been thoroughly tested by QIAGEN. It is the user’s responsibility to test and further optimize if necessary.

FAQ ID -9177
What is the maximum amount of tissue that can be disrupted using the 2 x 24 TissueLyser Adapter Set (cat. no. 69982)?

100 mg tissue per sample tube is the maximum amount we recommend when using the 2 x 24 Adapter Set. Larger amounts of tissue would require considered optimization, depending on the tissue type and condition.

When using 100 mg tissue, for best homogenization results, we recommend cutting the sample into 2 pieces of approximately 50 mg each prior to disruption and performing disruption twice, each time at 25 Hz for 5 min.

FAQ ID -9178
How to clean the stainless steel beads?

Stainless steel beads can be reused for DNA extractions with DNeasy Plant Kits. Used beads can be recovered from cell-debris and cleaned using the procedure below:

  1. Close the cap of the 2 ml microtube and briefly vortex to dislodge the bead and pellet from the bottom of the tube. If using grinding jars for the disruption of large sample volumes, skip to step 2.
  2. Empty the contents of the tubes/jars into a sieve and rinse the beads thoroughly with water.
  3. Incubate beads in 0.4 M HCl for 1 min at room temperature (15–25°C) to degrade any DNA and avoid cross-contamination in future preparations.
  4. Rinse beads thoroughly with distilled water to remove the HCl.
  5. Dry beads before use.

You can also find these instructions in Appendix B of the DNeasy Plant Handbook.

FAQ ID -9179
Are the stainless steel beads magnetic?

Stainless steel beads sold by QIAGEN are not guaranteed to be magnetic. However, you may find some lots of the beads to be magnetic, due to small variations in the chemical compositions (which do not affect the disruptive functions of the beads).

FAQ ID -9180
Are the beads RNase free or sterile?

We do not guarantee the stainless steel beads to be RNase free. However, when used according to our specifications for disruption of biological samples, no special treatment is needed to make the beads RNase free. This is because our chaotropic lysis buffers will usually inactivate these and RNases contained in the samples themselves.

FAQ ID -9181
What is the part number for the O-ring or gasket on the stainless steel grinding jar set (cat. no. 69958)?

QIAGEN does not carry this part. You can however purchase the O-ring from Retsch. Their part no. is 22.085.0006. Please see http://www.retsch.com/

FAQ ID -9182
Are the stainless beads ready to use? Do I need to pretreat them with acid before use?

Our stainless steel beads and tungsten carbide beads are ready to use.

FAQ ID -9183
What is the material of the grinding balls supplied with the Teflon Grinding Jar Set (cat. no. 69986)?

The material of the grinding jar as well as the grinding ball is Teflon. The ball has a stainless steel core and a coating of Teflon.

FAQ ID -9184
Can I use 3 mm beads with a 5 mm or 7 mm bead dispenser?
Unfortunately, this is not possible. The 3 mm beads are not compatible with the 5 mm or 7 mm TissueLyser Single Bead Dispenser, as this could result in dispensation of multiple beads, and/or the dispenser may get blocked.
FAQ ID -9185
What are the dimensions and weight of TissueLyser II?

Height: 266 mm (up to 524 mm with the hood raised)

Width: 371 mm

Depth: 461 mm

Weight: Approx. 26 kg (without TissueLyser Adapter Set or Grinding Jar Set installed)

FAQ ID -9186
Do you sell the 3 mm stainless steel beads?

We do not sell 3 mm stainless steel beads for use with our TissueLyser instruments.

FAQ ID -9187
Do you sell ceramic beads or glass beads for use with TissueLyser II or TissueLyser LT?

We do not sell ceramic beads or glass beads for use with our TissueLyser II or TissueLyser LT instruments. However, we still sell stainless steal beads and tungsten carbide beads. For more information, please go to this link.

FAQ ID -9189
Can I use the 2 ml Sample Tubes RB (cat. no. 990381) with TissueLyser II and TissueLyser LT?

Yes, the 2 ml Sample Tubes RB (cat. no. 990381) can be used with both TissueLyser II and TissueLyser LT.

FAQ ID -9188