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Rapid Capture System

For high-throughput Hybrid Capture 2 (HC2) assays


HC2 RCS Upgrade Instrument Package

Cat. No. / ID:  9001932

Upgrade package for existing HC2 customers, including: installation of Rapid Capture System and HC2 System on existing validated hardware
HC2 RCS Complete Instrument Package

Cat. No. / ID:  9001931

Complete system for high-volume sample throughput, including: Rapid Capture System, Vortexer, Racks, Microplate Luminometer, and validated PC System Package
Rapid Capture System

Cat. No. / ID:  6000-3101

Rapid Capture System for high-volume sample throughput.
RCS, Preventive Subscription

Cat. No. / ID:  9243550A

One on-site Preventive Maintenance or Inspection Service visit for the Rapid Capture System, including travel, labor and parts. Includes a 10% discount on repair services during the Preventive Subscription period.


  • Streamlines digene HC2 High-Risk HPV and HC2 CT/GC DNA tests
  • Significant increase in labor savings
  • Decreases turn-around time for delivering results to physicians
  • Enables the laboratory to increase testing capacity

Product Details

The Rapid Capture System is a semi-automated pipetting and microplate handling system for high-volume sample-throughput testing. This system handles up to 352 specimens and 1 to 4 plates in a single 8 hour shift. The Rapid Capture System fits on a standard bench top and is compatible with software that provides LIS interface connectivity.


The Rapid Capture System (RCS) is FDA-approved (see IVD mark) for use with the digene HC2 High-Risk HPV DNA Test, digene HC2 CT/GC DNA Test, digene HC2 CT-ID DNA Test, and the digene HC2 GC-ID DNA Test. The system processes cervical samples collected in Specimen Transport Medium (STM), which is part of the digene Cervical Sampler. Other digene tests or sample types may be available for use on the RCS, depending on country regulations.

Onboard reagent stability 

The RCS provides reagent stability of 16 hours for those reagents most likely to be subject to extended onboard placement — Probe Mix, Detection Reagent 1, Detection Reagent 2, and the Capture Plates (see table).

Agreement of calibrator and control results of fresh vs. aged reagents
Overall agreementPositive agreementNegative agreementR2SlopeInterceptKappa
100% 96/97 (97.97–100)100% 64/64 (97.97–100)100% 32/32 (97.97–100)0.99360.970.471.0
The assay performance of reagents was evaluated using freshly prepared reagents vs. reagents that were aged onboard the Rapid Capture System platform at room temperature for a period of 16 hours to simulate 2 work shifts in a laboratory setting. Simulated clinical specimens were tested using 2 Rapid Capture Systems each on 2 days (RCS 1: aged reagents on day 1 and fresh reagents on day 2; RCS 2: fresh reagents on day 1 and aged reagents on day 2). Results were comparable for fresh vs. aged reagents (CI: 95%), indicating that reagents are sufficiently stable when placed onboard the instrument for a period of up to 16 hours.
Agreement of Rapid Capture System vs. manual HPV test methods 

The Rapid Capture System HPV application results show agreement with the manual method in clinical specimens. Statistical agreement was shown for cervical specimens collected in ThinPrep PreservCyt solution and STM (see tables).

RCS vs. manual HPV test method: STM patient specimen data (n=1001)
Cyt. class.HPV preval. %Overall + agreement % (n/N)Strong + region (>2.5)Overall – agreement % (n/N)Strong – region (<0.8)
WNL <30 years21%99.3% (139/140) 96.1, 10099.1% (112/113) 95.2, 10099.3% (538/542) 98.1, 99.8100% (531/531) 99.3, 100
WNL 30+ years15%92.0% (23/25)96.1, 10093.8% (15/16)69.8, 99.8100% (143/143) 97.5, 100100% (142/142) 97.4, 100
ASC-US65%98.1% (51/52)89.7, 100100% (47/47)92.4, 10096.4% (27/28) 81.7, 99.9100% (26/26) 86.8, 100
LSIL+96%100% (65/65) 94.5, 100100%(62/62) 94.2, 10066.7% (2/3) 9.4, 99.266.7% (2/3) 9.4, 99.2
Other33%100% (1/1)    2.5, 100100% (1/1)    2.5, 100100% (2/2)   15.8, 100100% (2/2)   15.8, 100
All STM28%98.6% (279/283) 96.4, 99.699.2% (237/239) 97.0, 99.999.2% (712/718) 98.2, 99.799.9% (703/704) 99.2, 100
Clinical results using the Rapid Capture System were compared with results obtained using the manual method in a multicenter study (N=2270 patients). Patient specimens were collected from 5 collection sites and testing was performed at 3 external sites. The data set consisted of cervical specimens collected in ThinPrep PreservCyt Solution (1269) and Specimen Transport Medium (1001). Confidence interval=95%. LSIL+: low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion or greater; +: positive; –: negative; ASC-US: atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance; STM: Specimen Transport Medium; WNL: within normal limits.


RCS vs. manual HPV test method ThinPrep PreservCyt clinical specimen data (n=1269)
Cyt. classHPV preval. %Overall + agreement %  (n/N)Strong + region (>2.5)Overall agreement % (n/N)Strong – region (<0.8)
WNL <30 years20%96.2% (75/78) 89.2, 99.2100% (64/64) 94.4, 10098.4% (301/306) 96.2, 99.599.0% (293/296) 97.1, 99.8
WNL 30+ years8%88.7 (47/53) 77.0, 95.792.1% (35/38) 78.6, 98.399.1% (578/583) 98.0, 99.799.5% (571/574) 98.5, 99.9
ASC-US36%100% (48/48) 92.6, 100100% (46/46) 92.3, 10096.6% (84/87) 90.3, 99.396.5% (83/86) 90.1, 99.3
LSIL+77%100% (64/64) 94.4, 100100% (62/62) 94.2, 10089.5% (17/19) 66.9, 98.788.9% (16/18) 65.3, 98.6
Other11%100% (3/3) 29.2, 100100% (3/3) 29.2, 100100% (24/24) 85.6, 100100% (24/24) 85.8, 100
All PreservCyt Clinical20%96.4% (238/247) 93.2, 98.398.6% (211/214) 96.0, 99.798.5% (1007/1022) 97.6, 99.298.9% (990/1001) 98.0, 99.4
Clinical results using the Rapid Capture System were compared with those obtained with the manual method in a multicenter study (N=2270 patients). Patient specimens were collected from 5 collection sites, with testing performed at 3 external sites. The data set consisted of cervical specimens collected in ThinPrep PreservCyt Solution (1269) and Specimen Transport Medium (1001). In the results for the ThinPrep PreservCyt Solution, cytology data was unavailable from 4 patients. Confidence interval = 95%. LSIL+: low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion or greater; +: positive; : negative; ASC-US: atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance; WNL: within normal limits.


The Rapid Capture System reduces repetitive manual steps, with technology that performs semi-automated assays. The system is designed to work with the Hybrid Capture 2 screening technology, and it is the only high-throughput system for testing cervical samples with the FDA-approved digene HC2 High-Risk HPV DNA Test. The Rapid Capture system provides the flexibility of multiple software scripts, allowing laboratories to adjust their schedules to improve workflow.

Specimen contamination or carryover of residual alkaline phophotase is minimized through the use of disposable pipette tips for reagent and specimen aspiration. The system automates sample transfers (from sample tubes to hybridization plate, then from hybridization plate to Capture Plate), plate handline, precision reagent pipetting with liquid level-sensing tips, incubation at ambient and 65°C temperatures, and washing.


Multiple assays for flexible workflows

The Rapid Capture System (RCS) accommodates multiple assays or sample types during a single run — enabling scheduling flexibility. For instance, when running a single run of the digene HC2 High-Risk HPV DNA Test on the RCS, separate plates can handle both liquid based cytology (LBC) samples and digene cervical samples.

The Rapid Capture System can be used with the digene HC2 High-Risk HPV DNA Test, digene HC2 CT-ID DNA test, and digene HC2 GC-ID DNA Test. Depending on the test, the specimens can be collected using the digene Cervical Sampler, Specimen Transport Medium (STM), digene Female Swab Specimen Collection Kit, and PreservCyt solution.

High-throughput design for optimized workflow

The Rapid Capture System performs up to 352 tests/8 hours, automating 6 procedural steps of the manual method:

  • Specimen pipetting
  • Regent dispensing
  • Microplate handling
  • Microplate mixing
  • Microplate incubation
  • Microplate washing

User intervention is limited to specimen preparation, loading of specimen racks onto the deck, deck setup, chemiluminescent signal detection, and result reporting. Denaturation of the specimens in preparation for testing with the digene HC2 DNA Tests is performed independently of the Rapid Capture System. In addition, amplified chemiluminescent signal detection and result reporting are performed using the offline DML 2000/3000 Instrument and using the digene Hybrid Capture System Version 2 (DHCS v.2) Software.

The Rapid Capture System is intended to be used only in combination with QIAGEN kits indicated for use with the Rapid Capture System for applications described in the kit handbooks.


A range of digene HC2 DNA Tests enable high-throughput detection of pathogens using the Rapid Capture System. Using kits for Hybrid Capture applications, the Rapid Capture System automates detection of:

  • High-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) infection
  • Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) infections
  • Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC) infections


The HC2 System Software reports qualitative assay results with a user-friendly interface. Software supports customizable report formats — sorted by plate or specimen, with summary or detailed outputs. All results are tracked by the user ID for auditing and QA. The Rapid Capture System ScriptSelect Software allows users to choose the appropriate protocol and number of tests being run.

The HC2 System Software is compatible with multiple types of bar codes, which saves time and reduces manual entry errors. The software fully interfaces with Laboratory Information Systems (LIS), through which designated users can send patient and QC data to the laboratory network.

Supporting data and figures


Brochures & Guides (1)
Instrument User Manuals (2)
For use with software version 2.20
For use with the Rapid Capture System