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AllStars Reporter Controls



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Luciferase GL2 siRNA (5 nmol)

Cat. No. / ID:  1022070

Luciferase GL2 siRNA (5 nmol)
AllStars Reporter Controls 旨在用于分子生物学应用。该产品不能用于疾病诊断、预防和治疗。

✓ 全天候自动处理在线订单

✓ 博学专业的产品和技术支持

✓ 快速可靠的(再)订购


  • 对照,其报告基因敲除比例极高
  • 高效敲除荧光素酶和绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)




AllStars Reporter Controls可常规用于使用报告基因(例如携带报告基因的质粒)的转染实验,作为对照,确保实验条件优化。AllStars Reporter Control可获得高效的报告基因敲除。如果未达到高效基因敲除,则表明实验设置有问题。


安全数据表 (1)
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Safety Data Sheets (1)
Certificates of Analysis (1)


Which siRNA controls are available in FlexiTube format?
siRNA Controls available in FlexiTube format are:

Mm/Hs_MAPK1 control siRNA (5 nmol)    cat. no. 1022564

GFP-22 siRNA (5 nmol)    1022064

Luciferase GL2 siRNA (5 nmol)     1022070

Luciferase GL3 siRNA (5 nmol)     1022073

Negative Control siRNA (5 nmol)      1022076

AllStars Negative Control siRNA (5 nmol)     1027280

AllStars Neg. Control siRNA (20 nmol)        1027281

AllStars Neg. siRNA AF 488 (5 nmol)         1027284

AllStars Neg. siRNA AF 546 (5 nmol)         1027285

AllStars Neg. siRNA AF 555 (5 nmol)         1027286

AllStars Neg. siRNA AF 647 (5 nmol)          1027287

AllStars Neg. siRNA AF 488 (20 nmol)         1027292

AllStars Neg. siRNA AF 546 (20 nmol)          1027293

AllStars Neg. siRNA AF 555 (20 nmol)          1027294
AllStars Neg. siRNA AF 647 (20 nmol)          1027295

AllStars Hs Cell Death Control siRNA (5 nmol)     1027298

AllStars Hs Cell Death Control siRNA  (20 nmol)    1027299

Negative Control siRNA (20 nmol)                 1027310

Mm/Hs_MAPK1 control siRNA (20 nmol)          1027321

FAQ ID -1661