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PyroMark Q24



  • 在同一台仪器上对同一批样品进行多功能分析
  • 可靠的定量分析等位基因和甲基化状态
  • 序列信息帮助发现稀有突变
  • 15分钟内平行分析1–24个样本
  • 紧凑的检测平台,占用空间最小

Product Details

PyroMark Q24应用焦磷酸测序技术,对序列突变和表观遗传学甲基化进行实时的基于序列的检测和定量。PyroMark Q24非常适合用于分析CpG位点甲基化、SNPs、插入/缺失、STR、基因拷贝数变异以及微生物鉴定和抗性分型。



焦磷酸测序技术配合QIAGEN表观遗传学产品线,提供高度可靠的序列数据,能够准确、灵敏的定量分析甲基化水平(参见" CpG methylation analysis of the MLH1 gene")。甚至能够检测新的突变,以及低水平的DNA异常甲基化。PyroMark Q24包括了一个完整软件包,用于分析CpG位点甲基化,以及用于确认亚硫酸氢盐处理彻底与否的内置的对照。


分析单个CpG位点对于研究各种肿瘤基因的异常表达是非常重要的(参见" CpG methylation pattern in the RASSF1A gene")。由于传统方法获得的数据分辨率低,通常灵敏度不高。焦磷酸测序技术克服了这一局限,可高度精确地分析有一个或多个CpG位点的甲基化序列单个位点的变化。

See figures


焦磷酸测序技术基于测序原理,数分钟内可获得定量数据。PyroMark Q24是提供实时测序信息的完整体系,高度适用于表观遗传学研究和遗传分析。该系统包括PyroMark Q24、PyroMark Q24 Vacuum Workstation、PyroMark Q24 Software、PyroMark Gold Q24 Reagents、PyroMark Control Oligo和PyroMark Q24 Validation Oligo(见表)。同时提供样本制备方案,可使用PyroMark 24 Vacuum Workstation制备单链DNA。

 体系组成 描述
PyroMark Q24 用于定量分析突变和甲基化的测序分析仪器
PyroMark Q24 Vacuum Workstation 可平行制备24个样本的工作站
PyroMark Q24 Software 分析软件,提供2种分析模式(用于CpG位点分析和等位基因定量)
PyroMark Q24 Gold Q24 Reagents 酶、底物和核苷酸
PyroMark Q24 Control Oligo 对照,用于确定体系的正确安装和运行
PyroMark Q24 Validation Oligo 对照,用于确定体系性能
PyroMark Q24体系

遗传分析涵盖多种分析基因组DNA差异的应用,包括突变检测和SNP分型。PyroMark Q24可精确、高度灵敏地分析靶基因突变和定量分析混合细胞群体的等位基因频率。QIAGEN采用焦磷酸测序技术为基因突变分析提供经优化和验证的RUO检测。


步骤1:扩增DNA片段,作为焦磷酸测序模板的单链是生物素标记的。变性后,分离生物素标记的单链PCR扩增子,与测序引物杂交。杂交的引物和单链模板同各种酶,包括DNA聚合酶、ATP硫酸化酶、荧光素酶、三磷酸腺苷双磷酸酶以及底物腺苷酰硫酸(APS)和荧光素一起孵育(参见" Principle of Pyrosequencing — step 1")。

步骤2:第一个脱氧核苷三磷酸(dNTP)加入反应中,在DNA聚合酶的作用下,dNTP结合到DNA链上与其互补的碱基位。每次结合都会释放与核苷酸相等摩尔量的焦磷酸(PPi)(参见" Principle of Pyrosequencing — step 2")。

步骤3:在有APS的条件下,ATP硫酸化酶将PPi转化为ATP。在这个ATP的驱动下,荧光素酶将荧光素转化为氧化荧光素,并产生可见光,可见光的量与ATP的量成正比。通过电荷耦合(CCD)相机即可检测到荧光素酶催化反应产生的可见光,并在原始数据输出(Pyrogram)中显示为一个峰,每个峰的高度(光信号)与结合的核苷酸数量成正比(参见" Principle of Pyrosequencing — step 3")。

步骤4:三磷酸腺苷双磷酸酶,是一种核苷酸降解酶,会降解未结合的核苷酸与ATP。完全降解后,加入另一个核苷酸(参见" Principle of Pyrosequencing — step 4")。

步骤5:持续添加dNTP。α-硫代脱氧腺苷三磷酸(dATPαS)在反应中用于替代天然脱氧腺苷三磷酸(dATP),这是因为DNA聚合酶可高效的应用前者,而不被荧光素酶识别。当该过程连续进行时,就会形成互补的DNA链,可根据Pyrogram追踪的信号峰确定核苷酸序列(参见" Principle of Pyrosequencing — step 5")。


多功能PyroMark Q24与表观遗传学和遗传学分析流程无缝接合,且与QIAGEN先进的样本制备、亚硫酸氢盐转化和PCR扩增技术兼容。借助于高度可靠的仪器可在测序水平上对CpG位点和突变进行检测和定量分析。简化的工作流程可更快速地获得结果。

See figures



从PCR产物到直接用于测序的单链模板,应用PyroMark Q24 Vacuum Workstation可在15分钟内同时制备24个样本。该工作站操作简单,且手动时间少于5分钟。

在焦磷酸测序之前,形成了一个生物素标记的PCR产物,该产物结合到覆盖链酶亲和素的琼脂糖凝胶珠上。这些胶珠会被真空仪器捕捉并彻底清洗,随后变性,得到适合于焦磷酸测序的单链DNA。该模板DNA放入含测序引物的焦磷酸测序反应板中,随后引物退火,再将该板放入PyroMark仪器中即可。PyroMark Gold试剂包含用于焦磷酸测序反应的酶、核苷酸和底物,将这些试剂加入分配吸头或卡夹(取决于仪器),按照软件中提供的体积,试剂被加入到仪器中,用于焦磷酸测序。




 易于使用的PyroMark Q24软件

安装在电脑上的PyroMark Q24软件能够全面分析您的结果。该软件包含两个分析程序:CpG和AQ(等位基因定量)。两个程序可在同一块板上分析样本,并且能够同时检测不同类型的样本。AQ程序用于分析单个和多个位点,以及双、三和四等位突变。CpG程序能够分析多个连续的CpG位点,并提供亚硫酸氢盐处理的内参。

使用PyroMark Assay Design Software,灵活、简单的设计焦磷酸测序实验

PyroMark Assay Design Software 2.0可简单的设计PCR和测序引物。这些产品是经过优化的,可用于所有的PyroMark仪器。

Supporting data and figures


Instrument dimensions420 x 390 x 525 mm (16.5 x 15.4 x 20.7 in)
ConnectionsOne USB port (2.0)
ApplicationsMethylation analysis, allele quantification, genotyping, sequence analysis
HumidityRelative humidity of 20–90% (noncondensing)
Kits designed for this instrumentPyroMark Q24 Tests
Overvoltage categoryII
Operating temperature15–32°C (59–90°F)
Place of operationFor indoor use only
Chemical resistancepH 4 to pH 9, common detergents, 0.5 M sodium hydroxide, ethanol
Pollution level2
Power100–240 V AC, 47–63 Hz, 1.1–0.45 A (grounded); from external power supply to the instrument : 12 VDC and 24 VDC nominal
Process temperature28°C (82.4°F) ± 1%
Process timeDepends on the number of dispensations (20 dispensations take 24 minutes)
Samples per run (throughput)1–24
SoftwarePyroMark Q24 Software 2.0 (to be installed on PC)
Weight27.5 kg (60.6 lb)
AltitudeUp to 2000 m (6500 ft)



Genetic diagnostics of functional variants of the human dopamine D2 receptor gene.
Doehring A; Kirchhof A; Lötsch J;
Psychiatr Genet; 2009; 19 (5):259-68 2009 Oct PMID:19512960
Assessing combined methylation-sensitive high resolution melting and pyrosequencing for the analysis of heterogeneous DNA methylation.
Candiloro IL; Mikeska T; Dobrovic A;
Epigenetics; 2011; 6 (4):500-7 2011 Apr 1 PMID:21364322
Cell specific patterns of methylation in the human placenta.
Grigoriu A; Ferreira JC; Choufani S; Baczyk D; Kingdom J; Weksberg R;
Epigenetics; 2011; 6 (3):368-79 2011 Mar 1 PMID:21131778
CpG island hypermethylation of the neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) gene is rare in sporadic vestibular schwannomas.
Kullar PJ; Pearson DM; Malley DS; Collins VP; Ichimura K;
Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol; 2010; 36 (6):505-14 2010 Oct PMID:20831745
Systematic cross-validation of 454 sequencing and pyrosequencing for the exact quantification of DNA methylation patterns with single CpG resolution.
Potapova A; Albat C; Hasemeier B; Haeussler K; Lamprecht S; Suerbaum S; Kreipe H; Lehmann U;
BMC Biotechnol; 2011; 11 :6 2011 Jan 14 PMID:21235780


What are the differences between new PyroMark Q24 Advanced reagents chemistry and PyroMark Q24 Gold reagents?

The PyroMark Q24 Advanced reagent kit contains an improved enzyme and substrate mix and a new annealing buffer for the new adapted annealing procedure (adapted reaction volume of 20 µl and adapted annealing protocol). Moreover, the kit also contains binding buffer and the dATPalpha is half concentrated.

FAQ ID -3165
How does the built-in QC control for complete bisulfite conversion of DNA work on PyroMark Q24?

Data generated with the methylation analysis software (detection and quantification of CpG sites) on PyroMark Q24 contains unique features that act as quality control for complete bisulfite conversion of DNA. When the assay encounters a C not followed by a G (C unmethylated), that C should be fully converted to T if the bisulfite treatment upfront was successful. Subsequently, it should be presented in the pyrogram as T = 100%. This acts as a useful quality control for full conversion of unmethylated C residues during bisulfite treatment and PCR.

FAQ ID -2095
What is the use of the PyroMark Q24 Validation Oligo?
The PyroMark Q24 Validation Oligo was developed to check the performance of the PyroMark Q24 system. It consists of two biotinylated oligonucleotides that only differ in one position (A or G) of the sequence. By mixing different proportions of the two oligonucleotides in replicates the linearity, bias and reproducibility of the system can be determined.
FAQ ID -2855
How do I perform the PyroMark Q24 Advanced upgrade?

The upgrade can be performed by the user since it only requires installation of the application software and download and installation of the new firmware according to instruction in the Q24 user manual. A service engineer will not be required onsite for the upgrade.

FAQ ID -3163
Is it possible to use PyroMark Q24 Advanced reagents on PyroMark Q24 system?

PyroMark Q24 Advanced reagents should only be used in combination with PyroMark Advanced system. Usage of these reagents on PyroMark Q24 system will result in decreased pyrosequencing performance and low signals.

FAQ ID -3160
We recently changed the OS from Windows XP to Windows 7. When re-installing software Pyromark Q24 2.0.6, it fails to analyze the results. Any suggestions?

Please install software 2.0.7, which is compatible with Windows 7, 64 and 32 bit.

FAQ ID - 3621
What is the amplicon length of the PyroMark CpG LINE assay?
The amplicon length of the PyroMark CpG LINE-1 PCR product is about 146 bp. for PyroMark Q24 and PyroMark Q96 MD.
Does the PyroMark LINE assay target all LINE sequences?
The PyroMark assay is designed to cover LINE-1 retrotransposable elements in the genome. Those differ slightly in sequence and it might be that not all are picked up by our LINE-1 assay. The intention of the assay is to cover as many as possible of the LINE-1 sequences.
What region of LINE gets targeted by the assay for PyroMark Q96 MD or PyroMark Q24?

The PyroMark Q96 CpG LINE-1 for PyroMark Q96 MD is designed to target four CpG sites in positions 331 to 305 (GenBank accession no X58075). The PyroMark Q24 CpG LINE-1 assay for PyroMark Q24 targets three CpG sites in positions 331 to 318 (GenBank accession no X58075). The target region is human LINE-1 transposon DNA consensus sequence.

How long does a single run on the PyroMark Q24 take?

The estimated dispensation time is 1 min/nucleotide.

FAQ ID -2096
How accurate and reliable is PyroMark Q24 in mutation analysis?

PyroMark Q24 uses pyrosequencing technology for mutation analysis and provides a built-in quality control in each run. By sequencing nucleotides flanking the mutation of interest, the researcher gets confirmation that the assay was made at the correct position. In addition, blank dispensations are included in the assay providing a negative control of the run. 

FAQ ID -2094