investigating in progress
Human identification and forensics

Redefine human identification and forensics

Verogen – now a QIAGEN company
Verogen is now part of our QIAGEN family. Together we will offer NGS tools that go beyond traditional DNA profiling to deliver an identification in criminal or missing person casework.

Why NGS in forensics?

Tailored NGS workflows for every HID case

Webinar leave no stone unturned
Leave no stone unturned

Warming up cold cases with the QIAGEN/Verogen Sample to Insight workflow.

When sample quality is too poor to return a profile, or the profile doesn’t match a suspect or a database, address the limitations of traditional capillary electrophoresis (CE) methods with next-generation sequencing (NGS). Intermountain Forensics laboratory director Danny Hellwig describes the NGS forensic workflow his team has validated by leveraging QIAGEN sample to insight and Verogen solutions.

Register to listen to a recording of the webinar.

Add NGS to your forensic STR analysis

A small change in workflow. A big change in capability.

A comprehensive range of human identification capabilities

There is a complementary workflow for every application and every step in the process from sample collection at the crime scene to complete operational sequencing.

Our NGS workflow decision tree

We are here to support you, whatever HID application you need – routine or complex analyses, kinship and missing persons, casework, research, or databases.

Our workflow for missing persons

Traditional approaches versus what is possible to improve unidentified and missing persons investigations and forensic genetic genealogy.
Verogen MiSeq FGx System
“ForenSeq DNA Signature Prep Kit has the obvious advantage on low copy number and degraded samples compared with other CE-STR kits.”
Forensic Lab, China.
people in lab smiling
QIAGEN HID Validation Services

Comprehensive consultative validation service for forensic and/or HID NGS adoption.

Validation and Training Support Services for HID

Knowledge base

Felix Bittner's blog on QIAGEN
An MPSplex assay for missing persons identification
Felix Bittner, DNA Analyst at the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP) discusses his work developing a large massively parallel sequencing SNP panel (MPSplex assay) for missing persons identification. Learn more in this blog post.
Increasing information and precision in forensic genetic investigations
Young Investigator Adam Staadig talks about his work in forensic genetics at Sweden’s National Board of Forensic Medicine focusing on kinship investigations and missing persons identification. Learn more in this blog post.
Adam Staadig blog on QIAGEN
Rachel Oefelein
FIGG: A new frontier in forensic casework

In this webinar you’ll hear about the benefits and drawbacks of different approaches to forensic genetic genealogy, what the FIGG validation process looks like, and tips for training, reporting, and accreditation. The speaker presents a case study where the ForenSeq Kintelligence Kit was used in a cold case investigation.

Go beyond traditional DNA profiling

In this webinar with Dr Bobby LaRue, you’ll learn about the underlying chemistry associated with our NGS workflows and discover ways that the consolidated workflows will deepen, improve and accelerate your forensic casework.

woman in lab coat looking at webinar on her laptop

Customer Story

Solving abandoned cold cases with molecular testing
Kelly Elkins smiling
“We're able to provide not only the ancestry, but also determined that these individuals existed and to provide a bit of history for their families about them”
At Towson University Human Remains Identification Laboratory (THRIL), forensic scientist Kelly Elkins trains students to apply next-generation sequencing (NGS) to historical forensic samples.